This post will cover kindergarten sight words, and provide you with some teaching tips to help your kindergarteners learn these essential skills.
You can find a list of kindergarten sight words on this page.
I Spy on your Word Wall
One of the best ways to teach kindergarten sight words is through games or activities. One popular game is called “I Spy.” In this game, one player chooses a word and then gives clues about the word without saying it aloud. The other players then take turns guessing the word. This is a great way to help kindergarteners learn kindergarten sight words.
You might also try making a word wall that features sight words in big, bold letters. You can use high-frequency sight words in daily routines or at the beginning of a lesson to help kindergarteners get their brains focused on learning their sight words! “I-Spy” works great with the word wall.
Flash Cards
Another fun, and simple way to teach kindergarten sight words is by printing out pictures of these words as flashcards. Then you can use the flashcards during playtime or send them home with your students for practice time at home!

Write the Room
You can also use a write the room activity. This gets your students up and moving while they write their sight words. Writing helps internalize these words. You can use a simple recording sheet like the one below and write words on anything, index cards, construction paper, or dollar tree cutouts. The dollar tree cut-outs are my favorite because they are cheap and seasonal which boosts engagement. This free recording sheet below words with any list and helps you determine which words students need more help with.

I’ve made a spin on flashcards with my digital “Who Stole the Cookie” sight word game. It mixes eye spy with flashcards and turns rote memorization into a fun and engaging activity.
Use these words in your morning messages, writing centers, hands-on centers, and any chance you get. Sight words need explicit instruction BUT they also need application. Students need to have the opportunity to use these words.
No matter how you choose to teach sight words, make sure to keep it fun and engaging! These simple tips will help your kindergarteners learn these essential skills quickly and easily. Have fun teaching sight words!
Kindergarten Sight Words:
the, I, see, can, and, a, to, in, is, you, that, it, was, for
Who Stole the Cookie:
This sight words game is a spin on traditional flashcards. It mixes eye-spy with flashcards and turns rote memorization into a fun and engaging activity! In this digital download, you will find editable digital slides to practice your kindergarten sight word cards to choose from as well as directions for how to play “Who Stole the Cookie?”
This kindergarten sight word center can be used whole-group on the projector, small group/tutorial time, individual practice during writing times – basically anywhere that you choose for students to have access to it. Use it once per week over several weeks for continued learning of sight words or use it daily then recycle them weekly if your kiddos are really struggling with sight words.

You can find my growing bundle here.
Have fun teaching sight words!